What Features Must A Portable Jump Starter Have?

2016-12-29 18:37:48 admin 15

Purchasing a portable jump starter is not any easy task by any means especially when you have never purchased one before. With so many options to choose from, how does one go about finding the right jump starter for their particular situation? The key to finding the right starter is knowing what features a Portable Jump Starter must have in the first place.

Adequate Power

One of the more important features that you will want to pay close attention to when shopping for a portable jump starter is the amount of power that it is capable of outputting. This amount is going to determine exactly what it can be used for. The amount of power that a jump starter can output is typically measure in amps. There are three different types of amps that a jump starter is capable of producing including peak amps, cranking amps, and cold cranking amps.


If you plan on using the jump starter for charging car batteries, then you'll want to ensure that is capable of producing enough amps to complete the task. Some suggest that 300 cranking amps is an adequate amount for jump starting most types of vehicle batteries. Of course , the amount of power that is needed for your vehicle will depend on the size of the battery that it uses.

Charge Sustainability

It's true that the amount of power that a jump starter is capable of producing is a very important feature, but it may not be as important as the ability to hold that charge for a long period of time. As soon as the jump starter is fully charged and removed from it's power source, it begins to lose power. Therefore, the longer the jump starter is able to hold the charge within itself the better. Finding out how long a particular unit can hold a charge on average is definitely a good idea.

Reverse Polarity Alarm

Connecting jumper cables the wrong way when jumping a car battery is something that you want to avoid at all costs. Sometimes, however, people make mistakes and accidentally hook up the cables the wrong way during the process. In order to prevent any damage from occurring either to the battery itself or the jump starter, jump starters can be equipped with what is known as a polarity reversal alarm. This alarm warns the user if the cables are connected wrong, and in many cases jump starters might even be equipped with safety shutoff mechanisms that cause the unit to turn off if the cables are hooked up incorrectly.

There are a number of other features that a portable jump starter can have including AC sockets, easy to read LED control displays, overcharge protection, charge capacity indicator, and many more.

Sevenstar Technology Co., Ltd.

Article Source: http://www.bestjumpstartersreviews.com/what-features-must-a-portable-jump-starter-have/